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Urgent Message - The Battle Is Real

Writer's picture: Leisa BaysingerLeisa Baysinger

In case you haven't noticed the battle is intensifying.Those who stand against God and righteousness are growing more bold and evil has appeared to be winning. However, I am very joyful at the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade. In fact, the highest court in the land of America has made several good judgment calls lately. Having said this - we must not let these decisions make us think that we are winning the war just because a long term battle has been won.

I feel it deeply in my spirit that a time bomb is ticking and is about to go off at any moment. I see distress of nations at every turn. What is going to happen (and is happening) will be on a world wide basis and not just here in America.

I ask every reader to earnestly seek the LORD and make preparations according to His direction. The world is getting ripe for a last days anti-Messiah. Most importantly, we must each stay on our face before God because no amount of physical preparation will prepare us for what is coming. We must all be prepared to face our darkest fears. The most important thing is that we get ready spiritually.

God has not called us to be cowards during this time. In my flesh I just want to get off the grid and hide away somewhere but God has called us to be the salt and light of the world. The darker it gets the brighter our lights will shine. Some of us will be on the front lines of this end time battle and those individuals will most likely lose their lives. Whether you and I are on the front lines of the battle or not, we cannot run and hide. We were born for such a time as this! I have often thought how wonderful it must have been to have lived when Yeshua walked this earth in physical form and have been able to witness Him in physical form. But, think about this - how much more glorious will it be to live in that generation that gets to witness His glorious return? I seriously believe we are probably that generation. All the pieces of the prophetic puzzle are coming together.

I feel an urgency in my spirit and I have had many dreams about what is coming that I will not share at this time. I have shared them with numerous friends. However, I am going to share a message of tongue interpretation (I realize some of you may not know what this is or understand it but I pray you accept the word given by the Holy Spirit) that was given out on April 9, 2022 in my congregation. The LORD used me to give this message of interpretation. I ask you to read and study it carefully and to pray over it. I ask you to repent of anything that could be between you and the Creator of all things.

I debated whether or not to share but I feel impressed to do so. I have included the word exactly as it was spoken. It was recorded in the service so that is how it was able to be written down. You will find repetitive words which God often does to emphasize or get your attention. He does the same in His Word. On this particular day we were in a worship service. The music had temporarily stopped and a hush had filled the room when the Holy Spirit began to speak and was getting our attention. Please pray over this word. There were actually three words. Two are below but the third was not recorded.

"Be still. Be still. Be still. Be still. Be still. Be still. Be still.

Listen. Listen to Me. Listen. Be still. Be still. Be still. Be still.

I say to you, be quiet. Be quiet. Be quiet.

Listen to Me, Listen. Listen. Listen. Listen. Be still. Be still. I say to you, be still. Be quiet. Be quiet. Be quiet, for I Am trying to speak. Be quiet.

Seek My Face. Seek My Face. On your knees seek My Face.

Surrender your heart to Me.

Surrender your heart to Me.

The time is short.

Circumcise your heart.

Circumcise your heart.

For what is about to come upon the face of this earth will shatter you. It will bring you to your knees.

Even the most righteous will even be afraid.

My servant Abraham would shudder at the things that you are about to experience.

The weak hearted will not stand.

The ones not circumcised will not stand.

Uncircumcision of the heart.

Uncircumcision of the heart.

You will not make it.

Get on your face, My people.

Get on your face, for what is about to be unleashed upon the face of this earth, [the earth] has never seen, has never been seen, nor will ever be seen again.

My fury will be unleashed just as I unleashed My fury upon Pharaoh. Just as I unleashed My wrath upon Israel when they disobeyed and I sent them out of the land.

I used evil nations to come upon them. The things you see now are being done by evil people. Satan is at work.

You will be afraid.

Get on your face. Get on your face.

Stop your programs.

Stop the shen-nan-igans.

Stop it all and seek Me.

Don’t you see My coming is drawing near.

Will I find anyone of faith.

Will I find anyone of faith.

Will I find you as part of the remnant of the seed that I will shelter, that I will protect, and close the doors around you under My wing. I tell you: Nay, you do not go there by happenstance.

If you know it all, you think you have all the answers just because you keep My Sabbaths.

Well, let me tell you, you do not.

Get on your face.

Get on your face my children for the hour is here.

(Second release:)

Even now they devise plans against you. Even now they have meetings in the secret, dark, places of the earth.

They devise their schemes and their plans for which to draw you in so that you may be captured by the spider’s web.

Do you not see the trap they have set for you?

Do you not see the evil plans they have for you, my children?

They will kill you. They will slaughter you. They will turn you over to courts of justice which have no justice at all. They will slander My Name and in so doing will slander you.

Be prepared. Be prepared and seek My face so that you may know what is right, what is right; you must have discernment."

People get ready! Be prepared!

Leisa Baysinger


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