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The Highly Exalted One - Digging Deeper Into the Book of Hebrews
Uncover the hidden depths of the Book of Hebrews and the exalted Messiah, drawing parallels with Rabbinic writings

Shadows of Messiah: The Abrahamic Covenant
Uncover the Prophetic Shadows of Messiah in the Abrahamic Covenant. Discover the timeless/enduring promises revealing His depth of love

The Prophetic Connection Between John the Baptist, Jesus, and Messiah The Breaker (Poretz)
Uncover the prophetic link between John the Baptist, Yeshua, and the Messianic Title; Messiah the Breaker; Explore the connection.

Is Pesach Important to the Grafted-In of Israel?
While Passover is a uniquely Jewish festival, it also points to the story of redemption we find in Yeshua.

What Did Jesus Nail To The Cross? Colossians 2:14
Apostle Paul: Colossians 2:14 - Torah Abolished or Misconstrued? Have you ever been Misrepresented? Apostle Paul has!

Jesus stated, “Many Will Come In My Name” - Days of Deception and a Famine of the Word in The Land
Examining the words of Yeshua - “Many will come in my name” and the prophetic implications for darkness/deception and a famine of His Word.

New Testament or Renewed Covenant?
Discover the truth behind the New Testament or Renewed Covenant debate. Dive into prophecy and the authors of the Bible.

In This Time
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem

The Cloud of Glory and the Prophetic Coming of The Son of Man/Ananei ha-Kavod and the Anani
The Cloud of Glory (Shekinah) and Daniel’s prophetic Son of Man. How a genealogical record in Chronicles points to Messiah’s coming.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash There are passages of the Bible that I have read repeatedly until I can practically quote them in my...

A Real Resurrection or Something Else?
What about those saints who arose when Yeshua arose - as recorded only by Matthew?

The Rock of Israel - Yeshua
Jesus is the rock of our salvation. A sure and firm foundation stone. All of these metaphors go back to the vision of Jacob and his Rock.

People and Giants and Walls, Oh My!
Last week’s Torah portion, Sh’lach Lecha, gives us the story, about two years after the events of the Exodus, when the people of Israel...

Noah, Shem, Abraham, and the Tower of Babel - A Lesson for History Lovers
Noah, Abraham, Shem, and the Tower of Babel: how are they all related?

Why Did God Choose Abraham?
Abraham is the father of the three greatest religions. Did God have a good reason for choosing Abraham to be the father of nations?

Manna - A Lesson In Trust
In Exodus 16:1-36 we read about the miraculous giving of the bread from heaven. The event takes place on the 15th day of the second month...

The Threshold Covenant - Passover
Understanding the link between Passover and the ancient Threshold Covenant. An invitation to the god of the home and a wedding tradition.

Are We Still Yearning for Egypt?
As we come into Passover, we can hear the voice of G-d, calling us out of Egypt...

Two Ancient Pools - Two Miraculous Healings - Yet Major Differences
Understanding the Pool of Siloam and the Pool of Bethesda

Seven Statements From The Cross
The last prophetic statements of Jesus as He hung on the cross

Yom Teruah - Day of Trumpets
Discover the significance of Yom Teruah, also known as Rosh Hashanah or the Day of Trumpets, and its Biblical and cultural importance.

The Ten Days of Awe
The 10 days between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur are known as the "Ten Days of Awe" or "Ten Days of Repentance". According to Jewish...

Behold the Lamb of God Who Takes Away The Sin Of The World
What Lamb was John the Baptist referring too when he said of Yeshua, Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world?

Logos, Wisdom, and Memra: The Depths of the Infinite
If I had been on the Councils of Hippo and Carthage when the books of the Renewed Covenant were canonized, I would have started the canon

The Mark of the Beast versus The Mark of God - A Hebraic Approach
Hebraic approach to the Mark of the Beast

What Did Jesus (Yeshua) do for those three days and nights that He was in the grave? I Peter 3:19
Here is the verse that people love to quote: For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to...

How Far is the East from the West?
In keeping with Leisa’s posts about Yeshua in the Tabernacle, I wanted to discuss the concept of how far the east from the west is. This...

Shemini Atzeret - Eighth Day of Assembly
Scripture Reading: Leviticus 23:39. Shemini Atzeret means “eighth day of assembly.” For all practical purposes it is considered to be...

Sukkot - Tabernacles
All scripture is from the KJV unless otherwise indicated. Scripture Reference: Exodus 23:14-19, Leviticus 23:33-43, Deuteronomy 16:13-17....

Yom Kippur - Day of Atonement
Scriptural References: Leviticus 16th Chapter, Leviticus 23:26-32, Numbers 29:7-11. This Appointed Time is celebrated in the Fall and in...

The Thief on the Cross - Did He Go To Heaven That Day?
In Luke 23:39-43 we read about the conversation that took place between Yeshua and the thief as they were hanging on the cross. “Then one...

Pesach - Passover
Understanding Passover

Matzah - Unleavened Bread
What is the meaning of the Appointed Time of Unleavened Bread?

Yom HaBikkurim - Firstfruits
What Is the Appointed Time of Firstfruits?

Creation and the Tree of Life/Guardians of The Way
In the book of Genesis we are given the details of creation in a limited edition, but we are told even less about man's real purpose. We...

Galatians 4:21-30 - The Two Covenants: Hagar and Ishmael verses Sarah and Isaac
Galatians and the two covenants: the bond woman and her son and the free woman and her son. Understanding the words of the Apostle Paul

Living With the Enemy
Numbers 33:51 -53: "Tell the Israelis that when they have crossed the Jordan River to the land of Canaan, they are to drive out all the...

A Resurrection On The First of the Weeks
As I write this blog millions of Christians around the world are making preparations to celebrate Easter. Many will call their services...

The Hebrew Word "Light" and A Messianic Title
Explore the Hebrew word "light" and its significance as a Messianic Title. Unveil the profound links between the Messiah and eternal light

What is the "Yoke" of Jesus (Yeshua)?
Jesus said “take my yoke upon you” - so what is the yoke of Jesus (Yeshua)? What does this have to do with baptism?

Shavuot - Pentecost
Shavuot is an "appointed time" of Yahweh and this festival (chag) is celebrated in the spring. In English we call this feast Pentecost,...

The Ten Commandments
The 10 Commandments, or more accurately The 10 Words, are really 10 categories under which many sins are categorized.

The Rapture: "Left Behind" or “Taken"? We want to be the left behind ones.
I want to be left behind- not taken! The ones taken will receive His wrath

“I did not come to abolish but to fulfill" - Only The Owner of the Torah Could Make This Statement.
Did Jesus abolish the law? What did He mean that He came not to abolish but to fulfil the law?
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